The purpose of this site is to provide a resource for all parties involved in school photography.
It is not intended to teach photography skills, but to provide an open environment for the photographer, administrator, subject, vendor etc. to have their needs addressed regarding school photography.
The view is to elevate all related areas to a higher standard, so that all expectations may be reached to each party's satisfaction.
I'm looking forward to great dialogue.
I've been photographing for many years covering everything from concerts (infront of and behind the stage), theatre, weddings, conventions, headshots for business, and every area of school photos. Being in business for thirty years has alowed me to be in many problem solving positions. I've come to know that every side has a good point; we just need to get it all to fit together.
I'd like to hear from every one willing to give their perspective. I know first hand the potential for complaints and negatives (I've taken somewhere near 50,000 yes, fifty thousand, school portraits). Let's not do that; let's keep a professional standard.
Picture day can be good for the school, staff, students, families, photo crews, vendors and all else involved, without undue cost to any one party in particular.