Thursday, March 15, 2012

Choose A Good Location.

In my experience with photographing in schools over the years, I've seen the importance of choosing  a good location.  This can have a profound affect on the success or duress of picture day.  Here are some points to consider.

Location of the location.

Where will it take place in relation to the other areas of the school?  Is there enough room for the camera, cameras as well as all of the students coming and going?

When a class is being photographed, students will be waiting to be photographed and students waiting for the rest to finish.  Are there areas where they can wait without being a distraction to the child being photographed?  If they are all able to be in the one room, the hallways will remain clear and less noisy.

Sometimes a class may arrive a little too early or the current class is still there when they arrive.  Is there enough room?  If not , where will they wait?
How is the noise level? 

Children get excited on picture day, no matter what the age.  Chatter is high and they can easily not be aware of the class next to them taking a quiz or listening to their teacher.

Is it safe? 

If on a stage, is there enough room so that no one may fall off?  Are there obstructions or large items that may fall over?  Be careful photographing in a hall or corridor.  I'll never forget the humbling an administrator received when an inspector came in and saw an exit had been blocked by junk piled up for months.

Are there items in the room that can be a distraction, ie. sports equipment, musical instruments, art supplies etc.

If in a gym, cafeteria, or auditorium, will it be used for other groups throughout the day?

A good location will help make picture day a much better experience for all involved.

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